The No Surprise Act is in effect. Beginning January 1, 2022, Psychologists and other healthcare providers will need to provide estimated costs of services before starting treatment. Here are some guidelines:
Ask if the patient has health insurance coverage (including through government insurance programs) whether or not the patient intends to submit a claim to that insurance.
Inform all uninsured and self-pay patients that a good faith estimate of expected charges will be provided before treatment. The requirements of the estimate include:
Being available in a clear and understandable written document and other accessible formats
Being available in the language spoken by the patient
Provided orally when a patient asks about costs or when an appointment is scheduled
Provide a good faith estimate of expected charges, including typical additional services or items. This estimate must be provided in the following timeframes:
If an appointment is scheduled at least three business days in advance, no later than one business day after scheduling
If an appointment is scheduled at least ten business days in advance, no later than three business days after scheduling
If a self-pay or uninsured patient requests a good faith estimate without scheduling an appointment, no later than three business days after the request
If a patient reschedules an appointment, a new estimate is required within the specified timeframes listed above
You can find more information about the requirements of this act here.