In-Home Therapists
HELP Provider Partners offer home-based therapy which takes place in the client’s home (or community or office) rather than in the therapist’s office.
Many home-based therapy programs are provided by community mental health organizations and child protective agencies. Help Provider Partners, who are private practice therapists, offer in-home sessions when this is the most beneficial form of treatment, whether access is of concern or not.
Why In-Home Therapists Offer Home-Based Therapy
What to Expect from Home-Based Therapy
An in-home therapist may be accompanied by another therapist who serves as a partner during the process. This provides both the client and the therapist with added support and additional resources as needed. However, not all in-home therapists work in a team.
If you think home-based therapy is right for you, contact Help Therapy to determine how to proceed by calling 858-481-8827 or emailing us at info@helptherapy.com. Home-based therapy can also be used occasionally, as a supplement to office sessions. If you would like to self-refer or have a referral to make you can also get started by filling out our HIPAA Compliant Referral Form linked below.
Comfortable Environment to Benefit Care
In addition, when therapy is offered in the home, the relationship between an in-home therapist and client is likely to develop more rapidly, because clients are more relaxed at home than in an office setting. As a result, progress and healing can occur more quickly.
Mobility or Transportation Limits
In-home therapists recognize that it can be challenging to get to an office for a therapy appointment due to illness, disability, personal crisis, or for lack of finances, transportation, or childcare.
Options for Families
Sometimes office-based therapists offer
in-home therapy services when specific skills, like parenting, can be demonstrated and practiced in the home. This allows the in-home therapist to observe parenting in action, providing insight into family relationships. For example, home-based therapy can be particularly beneficial in therapy for children showing disruptive behavior patterns and for children with high-needs or developmental delays.